Google I/O and the Stock Market
See how the stock market reacted after Google ads this Wednesday.
App Review: Water your Body
Drinking water is essential. That's why we decided to test Water your Body, an app that reminds us to drink the right amount of liquid daily.
Speak Android: Samsung Galaxy Camera
As many could follow the Samsung Galaxy Camera landed at Showmetech and we also talk about the first impressions about the camera. Tomorrow will be the day we want to hear from you, our reader, and know all your doubts about the features and functionality of this equipment. And what better way to hear you than in a hangout?!
Galaxy Camera lands at Showmetech
Samsung sent a Galaxy Camera for us to test, here's how to follow our author Leandro Marino's diary.
Unboxing: Dell Inspiron 15R Special Edition notebook
We recently tested the Dell Inspiron 15r Special Edition notebook. See specs and unboxing...