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Discover your political profile with the 8values ​​test

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Left, right, liberal, conservative? With the political coordinates test, you find out what your ideological values ​​are. Do it now and compare with friends

Have you ever wondered or been asked what your political profile? In addition to the traditional “right"and "left” that are widely disseminated in several countries — including Brazil —, there are still more aspects by which individuals can identify themselves. Today we are going to talk about the platform 8values, able to identify your political profile through a political coordinates test, also known as the political ideology test. Next, you can learn about the tool and learn how to perform your test. Let's go?

What is 8values?

The 4 axes and 8 ideological values ​​present in the test. Image: rafael arrais political profile
The 4 axes and 8 ideological values ​​present in the test. Image: Rafael Arrais

O 8values is a tool that aims to map your political views into eight different ideological values. When taking the test, you will be faced with a series of statements and asked to express your agreement or disagreement with each of them, ranging from “Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree".

These responses, when compiled, offer an analysis of your ideological positions in relation to each of the values ​​presented. It is very important to respond with sincerity to obtain an accurate assessment. Ultimately, your responses are compared to a standard set of responses, resulting in percentages that reflect your bias within each ideological axis. And reinforcing: sincerity is essential for the accuracy of the result.

It is also clear to users that the test is an adaptation of the original 8values ​​project, started by TristanBomb, which was translated into Portuguese by Rafael Arrais (raph) and converted under license from MIT (MIT, one of the main study and research centers in science, engineering and technology).

Why take the test?

In addition to being free, the test helps you learn a little more about yourself and be able to better debate political ideas. Image: braver angels
In addition to being free, the test helps you learn a little more about yourself and be able to better debate political ideas. Image: Braver Angels

One of the highlights is that this is a free EVALUATION, providing participants with insight into their political coordinates across four main axes, resulting in a correspondence with a general political point of view. Unlike many other similar tests, this does not have a political agenda, that is, it is completely impartial and really only intends to present which of the political positions you most fit into.

While some political quizzes tend to target questions to align answers with a particular political view, this test seeks to accommodate the diversity of political camps in an unbiased and accurate way.

The test is also distinguished by its nature contemporary. Many of the political tests currently available were taken more than a decade ago, or in conjunction with specific elections, resulting in questions that reflect past political contexts more than current realities. The 8 Values ​​Test strives to present a set of updated questions, reflecting the contemporary political scenario.

Its effectiveness was also proven in several countries, including the United States, Canada and several European countries. This test has undergone rigorous evaluations in different cultural and regional contexts, demonstrating its usefulness and relevance in different parts of the world.

Concept of the eight values ​​or political ideologies

There are four fundamental ideological axes that make up a kind of “political compass“. Each axis represents an important dimension of thought and ideological orientation. These axes are: Economic, Diplomatic, Civil and Social. Each of them has two opposing values, which represent extremes or contrasting points of view within these dimensions. Understand better:


This axis influences how resources are distributed in society, affecting the production system, the distribution of wealth and labor relations.


Equal distribution of wealth and tendency towards the ideas of socialism. Image: lucas gomes, smt
Equal distribution of wealth and tendency towards the ideas of socialism. Image: Lucas Gomes, SMT

Those who prioritize Equality They firmly believe in the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities in society. They argue that the economy should seek to reduce wealth disparities and ensure that all members of the community have access to the resources necessary for a dignified life. This is often reflected in support for policies such as progressive tax laws, which place a greater burden on the wealthiest to fund social programs aimed at the disadvantaged.

Furthermore, those who value Equality tend to align themselves with more socialist ideas, which emphasize collective or state ownership of the means of production and active state participation in economic regulation to promote social justice. This perspective seeks to create a society where opportunities and benefits are more equally distributed, thus reducing social and economic disparities.

Fx Market

Discover your political profile with the 8values ​​test. Left, right, liberal, conservative? With the political coordinates test, you find out what your ideological values ​​are. Do it now and compare with friends
Emphasis on rapid economic growth and laissez-faire capitalism. Image: DataDrivenInvestor

Those with the highest scores in Fx Market are inclined to prioritize rapid and sustainable economic growth. They advocate that the economy functions efficiently and dynamically, with minimal government intervention. This often translates into support for policies such as lower taxes, which aim to stimulate investment and job creation, and privatization of sectors previously controlled by the State, seeking to increase efficiency and competitiveness.

Those who invest in the market generally support deregulation, arguing that it promotes innovation and healthy competition between companies. This economic perspective is in line with the economic liberalism, which emphasizes market freedom and minimal government intervention in the economy. The goal is to create an environment conducive to economic growth, wealth creation and maximizing long-term efficiency.


The Diplomatic axis determines a country's stance in relation to international affairs, including issues such as diplomacy, international trade, alliances and intervention in conflicts.


Valuing national sovereignty and aggressive foreign policy. Image: lucas gomes, smt
Valuing national sovereignty and aggressive foreign policy. Image: Lucas Gomes, SMT

Those who achieved the highest score in Nacionalismo they tend to have a strong identification with and loyalty to their nation. They value national sovereignty and the preservation of their country's cultural and political identity. This is often reflected in support for more assertive and even aggressive foreign policies, with an emphasis on defending national interests and protecting the nation's values ​​and traditions. Nationalists often value the military as a symbol of national power and protection, and can support an increase in military spending and defense investment.

In extreme situations, those with a nationalist inclination may be willing to use military force to protect their country's interests or to defend its sovereignty against possible threats. This patriotic mentality is rooted in the idea that national interest must be prioritized over global concerns, and that military force is a legitimate tool to ensure the nation's security and autonomy.


Focus on international cooperation and peaceful diplomacy. Image: lucas gomes, smt
Focus on international cooperation and peaceful diplomacy. Image: Lucas Gomes, SMT

To those who scored the most in Globalization they tend to adopt a cosmopolitan perspective, valuing interconnection and interdependence between nations. They believe that the challenges facing humanity must be addressed collaboratively and that international cooperation is essential to solving global problems. This vision is reflected in a peaceful foreign policy, which prioritizes diplomacy and dialogue over the use of military force.

Advocates of globalization emphasize the importance of economic and political integration between countries, seeking to create a global unit of mutual interest. They support international institutions and multilateral agreements that promote peace, security and sustainable development on a global scale. Furthermore, cosmopolitans value cultural diversity and defend human rights as universal, regardless of national borders.

Civil law

This axis addresses the relationship between the government and the individual rights of citizens, including issues of freedom of expression, civil rights and state control over private life.


Defense of civil liberties and opposition to state intervention in personal life. Image: blue cross nc
Defense of civil liberties and opposition to state intervention in personal life. Image: Blue Cross NC

To those who were left with Freedom tend to value civil and individual freedoms as fundamental pillars of a democratic society. They defend the right of people to express their opinions freely, practice their religion, assemble peacefully, and participate fully in the political process without undue interference from the state.

These civil liberty defenders are often defenders of democracy, believing that a legitimate government must be based on the consent of the people and respect individual rights and basic freedoms — as long as no “free” act transgresses individual and/or collective laws.

They vigorously oppose state intervention in the personal lives of citizens, advocating the protection of privacy and respect for human rights. It is important to highlight that this defense of freedom focuses on civil and political freedoms, and not necessarily on economic freedoms, which can be the subject of different ideological considerations.


Support for state intervention in personal life and government oversight. Image: vecteezy
Support for state intervention in personal life and government supervision. Image: Vecteezy

Already in Authority Individuals tend to prefer to have the role and power of the State as a central tool in organizing society and guaranteeing public order. They believe that the government must exercise an authority robust capacity to enforce laws and regulations, monitor citizens' activities, and actively intervene in personal lives to ensure collective well-being and social stability.

These defenders of authority usually support censorship and other forms of government control over the media and public expression, aiming to maintain social cohesion and prevent the spread of ideas considered harmful or disruptive.

In extreme cases, those with a bias toward authority may support autocratic or totalitarian forms of government, where power is concentrated in one leader or dominant political party, to the detriment of individual rights and civil liberties. For them, state authority is seen as essential to protect the security and stability of society, even if this means limiting some individual freedoms in the name of the common good.


This axis deals with attitudes towards social change, tradition, morality and issues of cultural identity.


Discover your political profile with the 8values ​​test. Left, right, liberal, conservative? With the political coordinates test, you find out what your ideological values ​​are. Do it now and compare with friends
Adherence to conservative values ​​and a traditional moral code. Image: Roy Morgan Research

In the Social axis we have Tradition, where conservative values ​​and social stability are the priority, seeking to preserve and honor the traditional customs, institutions and beliefs of their culture or community. Self-identifying individuals tend to strictly adhere to a moral or ethical code, often based on religious or cultural principles passed down through generations.

These defenders of tradition often have a deep respect for the past and historical legacy of your society, and tend to resist rapid or radical changes in the social or cultural order. They support the prevailing status quo as a source of stability and social cohesion, and may be critical of movements or ideas that challenge established norms or threaten traditional values. Although not all defenders of tradition are necessarily religious, it is common for many of them to find their moral basis in religious or spiritual teachings.


Support for social, environmental and technological advances, and rationality. Image: American Institute for Economic Research
Support for social, environmental and technological advances, and rationality. Image: American Institute for Economic Research

And finally we have the Progress, containing staff with an optimistic outlook towards the future and value social, scientific and technological advances as a means of improving the human condition and promoting the development of society. They believe in the power of rationality and innovation to solve the challenges faced by humanity, and tend to support policies and initiatives that promote progress in various areas.

Although not all defenders of progress are necessarily secular or agnostic, it is common for many of them to value the science and reason as guides for understanding the world and for making political and social decisions.

They also tend to support environmental and sustainable actions, recognizing the importance of protecting the environment for future generations. Furthermore, progressives often advocate large investments in scientific and technological research, believing that innovation and knowledge are fundamental drivers of human progress.

Understand the end result

In addition to evaluating the eight values, distributed across the four axes, the questionnaire also seeks to determine your ideological profile — in the “Closest profile” which is at the end of the test. This is an area in constant development and is less precise than the assessment of values ​​and ideological axes. The creators of the test also ask that users not take this specific part too seriously, as it may go against what the user believes. They also go on to say that if you disagree with the assigned ideology, you can send an email to [email protected] with your score, the assigned ideology and your preferred ideology.

How to take the test

It's very easy to take your test! Just look:

1 Step: Access the 8values ​​translated website. Then click on the top blue button “Click here to start";

First step of the test: enter the website and click to start. Image: lucas gomes, smt
First step of the test: enter the website and click to start. Image: Lucas Gomes, SMT

2 Step: A screen will be displayed for you to confirm whether you want to proceed to answer the 70 test questions or not. If you want to continue, click the blue button “I understood!";

Second step of the test: confirm that you would like to proceed. Image: lucas gomes, smt
Second step of the test: Confirm that you would like to proceed. Image: Lucas Gomes, SMT

3 Step: Now it's up to you! The question session begins, all of them with 5 alternatives and a Back button, if necessary;

Third step of the test: answer the 70 questions to get the result. Image: lucas gomes, smt
Third step of the test: answer the 70 questions to get the result. Image: Lucas Gomes, SMT

At the end of the test, a result will be presented showing each of the 4 axes, what their trends are in percentage. By scrolling down the page a little, you can check the “Closest profile“, in which the site calculates your results and suggests a profile that most closely resembles the one answered. Although there is no sharing button, you can print the result to post on your social networks!

Final screen with the result and the "closest profile", talking a little about your political inclinations. Image: lucas gomes, smt
Final screen with the result and the “Closest Profile”, talking a little about your political inclinations. Image: Lucas Gomes, SMT

And you, what did you think of the test? What is the result of your test? Tell us Comment!

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reviewed by Glaucon Vital in 29 / 4 / 24.

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