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eSports make gaming a career choice

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Combining fun and responsibility, eSports moves thousands of players who want to grow professionally

In addition to being a hobby or a simple form of entertainment, video games have already become a career option for millions of people around the world, whether playing them or working on their development. For that reason, the eSports opened the doors of new platforms that seek to follow and publicize their main tournaments.

Young people make esports their profession (image:
Young people make eSports their profession (Image:

Game development as a career option

One of the novelties that has attracted the most attention in this context is the opening of study options related to video games within large universities around the world. An example of this appears precisely in Brazil, with the opening of the undergraduate course in Game Design at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, which focuses on the practice of the profession through visual interface design, animation and 3D modeling, in addition to including programming classes for artificial intelligence for games.

Events like Campus Party Brasil, in turn, which focuses on technology and digital culture, have already mentioned the eSports as protagonists of the work of the future in lectures and workshops, as the job market is currently undergoing a major transformation. It is worth mentioning that, as the platform PC World shares, the salary of a gaming professional can reach R$ 18 thousand per month in Brazil, as the country represents the largest market for the video game industry in Latin America, with around 400 companies involved and more than 1,5 billion dollars moved each year.

Because of this, careers focused on games have become a very prominent option within the country's field of work and leading companies in this sector seek to attract talent to continue leading the technological market. An example of this happened in Intel Day, event in which special attention was given to gamers and eSports, since, of the more than 80 million active gamers that currently exist in Brazil, 37 million use computers as their main means of gaming, and companies such as Intel seek to improve the experience they offer to their users.

Projects from companies like intel focus on the development of gaming machines
Projects from companies like Intel focus on developing gaming machines (Image:

The grand prizes and coverage of eSports

Os eSports have also become a very profitable option for gamers due to the wide attention that the most important video game tournaments have received and the great prizes they are shared. In turn, events aimed at gamers in Brazil already manage to generate more than R$ 50 million and create more than 1.300 job openings, as they can gather around 95 visitors in a weekend, as happened in Game XP, in September of last year.

Platforms and brands that were not traditionally related to video games also showed interest in being part of the video game landscape. eSports. An example of this is the Red Bull, which gives a leading role to the eSports on its platform, highlighting the tournaments held each month and encouraging its readers to follow along. Another example is the betting platform of Betway, which covers the biggest eSports tournaments, including championships CS: GO, League of Legends e Dota 2, and gives its users an idea of ​​who are the favorites to become winners of these big events.

It should be noted that some of these tournaments have already broken records because of the big prizes they give away. An example of this is the award of more than $26,5 million than The International championship will distribute this year. It was because of the great coverage given to events of this type that sports clubs also decided to integrate themselves into the world of eSports. O Flamengo, for example, highlights on its official eSports platform the ongoing victories your team members have in games like League of Legends until then.

Generating jobs in the technology and video game industries, as universities, sports clubs and other platforms traditionally outside this sector have focused their attention on the possibilities that virtual sports and the development of new technologies around them have today, the eSports make up a constantly growing industry in terms of work. Let's see what the future holds in this regard.

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