Game of Thrones: Last episode marks the end of an era

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The last episode of Game of Thrones aired last Sunday (19); know what happened

Yesterday (19), the sixth episode of the eighth season of the series aired Game of Thrones. The seventh season was released in 2017 and now, two years later, we come to the end of the epic series that began in 2011. The sixth episode was not only the last episode of the eighth season, but also the last episode of the series.

WARNING: This text contains spoilers for the sixth episode of the eighth season of Game of Thrones

With the name of The Iron Throne, the latest episode marked the end of a worldwide phenomenon that brought people around the world together every Sunday to watch a new episode.

Couldn't watch or watched and feel like you missed something? Or are you still not over it and need to remember what happened to be able to assimilate the information? Read the text to catch up on the latest episode of the final season of one of the biggest series in television history.

the previous episode

O fifth episode of the eighth season of Game of Thrones aired the week before, on May 12. The penultimate chapter of the series showed the invasion of Daenerys Targaryen in Porto Real.

Daenerys in the fifth episode of the eighth season of Game of Thrones.

The episode also showed the death of some of the series' main characters, such as Jaime and Cersei Lannister, in addition to the massacre of several inhabitants of King's Landing.

Now, the latest episode of Game of Thrones sees the day after, when Daenerys finally gets what she's always wanted: the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms.

The last episode of Game of Thrones

Directed by series co-creators David Benioff and DB Weiss, the latest episode of Game of Thrones began with Tyrion Lannister walking among the ashes of King's Landing, devastated and in disbelief at what the queen he chose to defend had done. he meets with Jon Snow e Ser Davos, but decided to go talk to Daenerys alone.

While walking around town with Davos, Jon finds gray worm about to kill prisoners who fought for Cersei Lannister, but who had surrendered. He tries to stop the leader of the Unsullied from killing them, but it almost creates a huge conflict.

Tyrion walks through the center of the Red Keep and finds Jaime Lannister dead among the rubble, putting an end to a theory that he would have managed to survive. He sees the two brothers dead, in each other's arms.

Gray Worm and Jon Snow in the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

Arya Stark remains in King's Landing, even after finding a horse in the penultimate episode that we thought would take her back to Winterfell. Dany's army lines up waiting for the queen, who arrives on Drogon's back. Jon is clearly shaken by what happened, but climbs up anyway to stand by Daenerys. The Red Keep is destroyed, but a large Targaryen banner covers the destruction.

In Dothraki, Dany thanks her former husband's people for the fight. In High Valyrian, she names Gray Worm commander of her forces, the Queen's Warmaster.

When Tyrion arrives at the queen's side, Daenerys is quick to say that he has committed treason by freeing Jaime. "I freed my brother", he says. "And you massacred a city.” Soon after, he rips off the Queen's Hand pendant.

Dany has Tyrion taken away, she then sees the look on Jon Snow's face and realizes that he doesn't approve of any of the things she's done since arriving in King's Landing. Jon then meets Arya again, who tries to convince her brother to leave the capital as he will always be a threat to Dany's reign.

Daenerys in the sixth episode of the eighth season of Game of Thrones.

Jon visits Tyion in prison. After the two talk about what Dany has done, her motives and how she will kill anyone in her path to achieve her goal of freeing them all "and ruling them", Tyrion makes one last plea to Jon to consider using his right to the Throne. of iron.

In the Throne Room, Daenerys' vision comes true: she finds the room covered in something she had seen in the House of the Undying. It was once thought that she saw snow, as an omen of the Night King's arrival, but it was actually the ashes of everything she had burned.

Jon finds her in the room, which is destroyed except for the chair made of swords. Jon confronts her, talking about the dead children and asking her to be merciful to Tyrion.

Dany asks him to stay with her and release everyone with her. Jon says she is his queen now and forever. The two share a kiss and Jon stabs Dany with a dagger, killing her.

King's Landing after the battle between Cersei and Daenerys.

Drogon sees his mother dead and is furious. He burns down the Iron Throne room, destroying the chair that has spawned intrigue since the beginning of Game of Thrones. After melting the Iron Throne, Drogon flies away from King's Landing.

Tyrion is brought to his trial and meets the lords of Westeros, including Sansa, Arya e Bran stark, Yara Greyjoy, Gendry Baratheon, Brienne de Tarth e Sam Tarley. Jon Snow is a prisoner for killing the queen, so Tyrion asks the most powerful lords in the country to choose a new king.

Lord Edmure Tully, brother of Catelyn Stark, steps forward and begins to speak. Sana then asks him to sit down. Sam Tarly stands up and suggests a democracy, so that all the inhabitants of the Seven Kingdoms can choose who will rule them.

Arya, Bran and Sansa Stark teamed up to choose the new king or queen in the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

Tyrion then suggests that Bran Stark be chosen as king. He asks the boy if he would accept the crown if chosen, to which he responds “why do you think I came here?” Tyrion then asks everyone to agree, say “I”.

Everyone agrees except Sansa, who calls for the North to be an independent kingdom as it has been for thousands of years. Bran agrees. Tyrion then names him: Bran the Broken, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Realms and Protector of the Realm.

Bran then asks Tyrion to be his hand. He declines the invitation, but Bran insists. Tyrion goes to talk to Jon Snow. “Giving you over to the Unsullied would start a war,” he says. “Releasing you would spawn a war. Therefore, the King has decided to send him to the Night's Watch.”

Tyrion is taken prisoner after betraying Daenerys by freeing Jaime.

Jon Snow then returned to where he started: to the Wall Patrol. “Is there still a Night's Watch?” he asks. After they exchange a few words, Jon asks Tyrion if what he did was right. Tyrion then tells Jon to ask the same question 10 years from now.

Jon then goes to a ship to be sent to the Wall. He sees Gray Worm, who is taking the Unsullied to the Isle of Naath, where Missandei was born.

Sansa, Arya and Bran join together to say goodbye to Jon. Sansa asks for forgiveness, but he replies that she is a hero for making the Northmen free again. Jon asks Arya where she's going, to which she replies, "What's west of Westeros?" Finally, Jon kneels down to say goodbye to Bran.

Jon Snow in the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

The series cuts to Brienne, who is in the Kingsguard Commander's room. She arrives at Jaime's page, which is incomplete, and writes about his trajectory since she met him. “Died protecting his Queen” is the phrase she chose to close the chapter that talks about Jaime Lannister.

Then we see the Small Council, with Tyrion Lannister at hand. Ser Davos, Bronn (we don't understand why) and Sam Tarly, who is now a Maester. Sam then presents a book called A Song of Ice and Fire (same name as the book saga that originated Game of Thrones). Bran enters next, pushed by Brienne.

Podrick appears as Ser Podrick, now a knight of the Kingsguard. Bronn is now the Master of Coin, as well as lord of High Reach, former home of the Tyrells, while Ser Davos is the new Master of Ships.

Brienne completing the chapter on jaime lannister in the royal guard book.

Jon arrives at the Wall and finds Tormund at the castle. The scene cuts and we see Jon, Sansa and Arya getting dressed and getting ready to go their respective ways. Jon is reunited with Ghost and FINALLY we have a good interaction between the two this season.

Sansa is crowned Queen of the North, as her two brothers once were, while Arya sets sail to discover new lands across the world. The final episode of Game of Thrones ends with Jon Snow leading the wildlings beyond the Wall alongside Tormund and Ghost.

After all, was the ending good?

One quote that everyone was hoping would come to fruition is that of Ramsay Bolton, who said, "If you're expecting a happy ending, you're not paying attention." However, it was exactly a happy ending that ended Game of Thrones.

The two "tyrant queens" were killed and the Stark heroes lived on. Drogon left without causing any destruction other than melting the Iron Throne, as if that chair had killed his mother.

The Unsullied quite accept the death of their queen. And the other characters come out alive. In the end, it seems that the creators really decided to deliver a happy ending that could please fans and generate an already nostalgic feeling about the end of Game of Thrones.

Cersei and jamei in the fifth episode of the eighth season of game of thrones.

Season eight felt, on the whole, rushed. Many issues remained unresolved, such as the prophecy of Azor Ahai, for example. Some attitudes proved to be atypical for the characters: whether Dany, after punishing the traitors, left herself vulnerable to Jon Snow, or Arya, who after years and years of wanting revenge on Cersei, gave up as soon as the Hound asked her to leave King's Landing. . And the horse? He only served for a beautiful scene in the penultimate episode, apparently.

If it wasn't just that, Bran having to become king felt rather forced. Sansa was the most equipped of the Starks to rule, as well as being the ultimate union of the Seven Kingdoms, and Bran could have used her wisdom as Hand of the Queen. It seems the choice was made purely and simply to keep Tyrion alive and in the circle of the main characters.

With a series as grand as Game of Thrones, expectations are of course high. But such a "happy" ending made the last episode feel unworthy of the series, particularly with a few deaths that didn't honor Cersei or Daenerys. Jaime's death and those who died at the Battle of Winterfell made sense, but Cersei and Dany's did not.

Arya Stark in the third episode of the eighth season of Game of Thrones.
Arya at the Battle of Winterfell.

Anyway, it ended up being a worldwide phenomenon. Will any other series make us religiously turn on the television on a Sunday so we don't miss a new episode?

Even so, we can expect the series derived from the fantastic world created by George RR Martin that are being made by HBO, not to mention, of course, in the ending that the author will write for the saga in the next two books of A Song of Ice and Fire.

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