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O Google I/O 2022 is the company's event for developers that also lets end consumers know what's coming soon to Android. And of course the Google Assistant, which is present in our daily lives in a very broad way, would not be left out of this.
The browser giant announced two new ways to use it that leave “Ok Google” aside, but you will need to have the Nest Hub Max to have access to it. Understand the news right now.
Look and Talk to Google Assistant
As much as “Ok Google” is being used by most Android users, Google wants to leave this habit aside for those who have the Google Nest Hub Max.
According to the example presented today, it is enough for the owner of a device like this to activate the camera and microphone, then start staring for no more than five seconds for the Google Assistant be ready to respond to commands. it works like this:
With the name of Look and Talk, there is still no information that this feature is available for smartphones and tablets, but apparently, this is not the focus. In practice, you would no longer have to activate by voice or by pressing a button. O Google Nest Hub Max It is not officially sold in Brazil, but it can be found by independent import at an average price of R$ 1.
quick orders
Still within the spectrum of products such as Google Nest Hub Max, the Android developer company also announced that faster actions also do not require the “Ok Google” input to be done. If the user wants to activate or deactivate an alarm, turn the lights on or off or even know the current time, just speak the command naturally.
O Google Assistant is being updated as of today and there is no expectation that quick orders will be made available for smartphones and tablets. as just the Google Nest Hub Max was used in the usage examples, expect to use the novelty only if you have a device like this.
natural speech
Closing the news of today's event, the new update will allow answers to be found even if the information is minimal.
For example, if you'd like to hear a song, but don't know the full name of the band, Google Assistant will understand what you need by completing the commands. Upon confirming that this is what you needed, then the action will be performed.
The natural speech feature can also be used for more than music. If the user requests information about the weather of a city they do not live in and the artificial intelligence identifies the error, then a correct sentence indicating the mistake will be spoken. It is a way that the Google found to make use more natural and less robotic.
This functionality will be available to all users soon, along with the Android 13 e Pixel Watch, Google's first self-made smart watch.
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Source: Google Blog
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