Social Media

Scup teaches how to deal with crises on social networks

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The folks at Scup have released a guide to dealing with crises on social media, whether you're part of a company or someone who's said some bullshit that's become famous.

Scup teaches how to deal with crises on social networks. The folks at scup have released a guide to dealing with crises on social media, whether you're part of a company or someone who's said a bullshit that's become famous.

It's already common on social media. From time to time, a celebrity or company will post something they shouldn't have on a Facebook account. Facebook ou Twitter. It could be a tantrum or a mistake by the person responsible for the page, but either way, once it's live, it's already too late.

In 2013, for example, the director of public relations Justine Sacco posted a tweet about his trip to Africa that ended with the words “I hope I don't get AIDS. I'm just kidding. I'm white!The reaction was huge, and during Justine's 11-hour international flight, users eager to see how she would deal with the sudden infamy created the hashtag #hasjustinelandedyet. She went to Trending Topics – and then to the street eye.

In Brazil we had some famous cases, such as the virtual store aimed, who in 2012 sent a journalist “go look for a male”, or the singer’s statements Ed Motta at the beginning of last month, who can't take any more requests for the song “Manuel” on his tour in Europe. The most recent case was that of the magazine Who, in which one of the authors of the page published the news of Princess Charlotte's birth during the early hours of Saturday (02/05) with the caption "obviously he was going to be born on the weekend [weekend]. Nothing describes my hate".

The important thing at these times is to stay calm and not put your feet in your hands. the staff of Scup, a tool for monitoring and managing content on social networks, launched a guide with several tips to follow in such cases. Whether you're part of a company or someone who's made a name for themselves, it's good to take a look below before answering anything.

Discover new networks and get ahead in them

Networks change a lot these days, and you have to be on the lookout for all the new channels that come up. not only of Facebook e Twitter users live, and it is important to keep an eye on the brand image. It is always good to know the terms of use of each network, and the Internet Civil Landmarks it also requires brands to have their own terms of use and privacy policy published on their digital channels.

Customize your answers

Users like to receive individualized treatment more than a generic one. Create a table of legally approved answers that can be easily adapted, so you can act quickly and with quality in the speech. But you have to be careful with the wording of the message. Too much intimacy or an incorrect treatment in form, tone or language are gaffes to avoid. Remember that everything that is published is a document and is valid as evidence in a process.

Reply within a set time

Social networks do not have a time to open or close, and the user has an expectation that the response will be immediate. Make clear important information such as opening hours of the channels, and how long it is possible to respond to the customer. Don't keep him waiting, and be sure to respond!

Be prepared for the 2.0 consumer and know how to take advantage of it

Consumers currently prefer digital channels and will act differently in them than those who follow traditional channels. Invest and prepare for social media service. A poorly prepared channel can be harmful. And a good contact with the consumer can reverse the situation and create a spokesperson for the page, who will “evangelize” your brand to their contacts.

Be careful when exposing the user

Users expose themselves excessively on the network, leaving information about their life and routine open, which is risky. Their image is protected by Brazilian law, and must not be published or shared, regardless of the medium and especially if they are in embarrassing situations.

Collaborators are also on the networks

It is important to train your employees to protect the privacy of personal and corporate data. Monitor your executives and train them on how to conduct themselves in the digital world, where personal and business profiles are mixed up mainly to deal with criticism. Also guide family members about the necessary care, including expressing personal opinions.

Make a content plan and a crisis plan

The digital channel team needs to be well oriented as to the content to be used. They must not deviate from the company's image and speeches. It is also important to be prepared for network incidents, both at the corporate and personal level, for employees.

To see the full material of Scup, access this link, and download the PDF.

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