Person trying to find out if cell phone listens to conversation

Does your cell phone listen to conversations? See tips to prevent this

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There are many ways to know if everything you say around your cell phone and personal assistants is being used in advertisements.

Have you ever wondered why the ad for a product you were talking about started showing up on social media and even in the browser? This happens because our cell phone listens to our conversations. The topic can be a little scary for some people, but know that personal assistants are completely connected with it, taking the most blame.

This is because systems like Google Assistant, Crab e Alexa, stay all day listening to what is around us to respond to voice commands. But know that you can turn off cell phone listening in a practical and simple way. Understand how to do this:

How does a cell phone listen to conversation?

You may not know it, but with all the personal assistants out there, there are different permissions we give and we don't always know exactly what we're agreeing to, sometimes it's also not clear enough how it can be turned off. if you have one Echo Dot at home or any other device that has personal assistants, so it also agreed that everything you discuss on a daily basis is also captured by these products.

Cell phone example listens to conversation
The microphone of our cell phones remains activated even when we are not using the cell phone. (Photo: FreePik)

As they need to be activated all day for the answer to be immediate, then each and every conversation ends up being heard by these devices. That's why you see ads for products you haven't even looked for on the internet. Companies are free to use the data to provide a better user experience, but in practice, we know that this information is also used to generate ads.

Virtual assistants: how to know if you are being “spied on”?

In addition to cell phones listening to everything we talk to literally everywhere, the virtual assistants that are installed in these products also collaborate in the case. To find out how these products are listening to everything you say, it is worth doing a test: start talking about subjects that are not so common in your daily life.

Personal assistants from various companies
Personal assistants are also activated even if we are not talking to these devices (Photo: ShutterStock)

If you really like to talk about a sport, try talking to someone or even giving a command about cooking etc. The big point here is to start commenting on random topics just to know if you're being heard by personal assistants. In addition, you can also:

  • Search for a new topic off the internet, to know how the devices would “react”, even if they were not used;
  • When performing the test to see if you are being “spied on” by personal assistants, it is important to speak loudly, as well as think of keywords that can trigger the systems to provide you with the subject.

With everything ready, then it's time to put the plan into action to finally know if you're really being listened to by personal assistants. If, after doing the experiment, you notice an advertisement on the internet about the subject, then everything will be confirmed.

How to disable cell phone tapping?

Now that you have full knowledge that yes, your cell phone listens to conversation, it's time to know which apps are listening to your conversation and stop allowing it. for those who use Android, an easy way to know which apps are acting as real spies is through the settings. Understand how to do this with each operating system and other personal assistants.


The names of the settings may change according to the brand of your smartphone, but know that the path is practically the same. First, access your apps menu and then the settings. Then just scroll down and search for “Privacy”. Then it's time to find the microphone icon and click on that.

Does your cell phone listen to conversations? See tips to prevent this. There are many ways to know if everything you say around your cell phone and personal assistants is being used in advertisements.
You can revoke all previously given permissions in less than 10 minutes. (Photo: FreePik)

A screen with all the apps that have access to what you chat will appear. To disable, just uncheck and withdraw permission. When using an option that has been disabled, you will need to authorize it again.


With the launch of iOS 15.2, a new app was also made available to users. O App Privacy Report gives you information about which apps are using the sensors. To access, just follow these steps:

  1. Settings;
  2. Privacy;
  3. App Privacy Report;
  4. Enable App Privacy Reporting.

You will have access to the information that is being captured and of course, revoke the permission that was probably given when you installed or started using the application. When using the application, such as making a video call or even sending a voice message, permission will be asked again.

Amazon Echo (Alexa)

Present in the homes of many Brazilians, the Alexa It can also be turned off so you don't get bombarded with ads about topics you were talking to at one time with friends. To do this, just press the button that disables the microphone of your Echo Dot so that nothing else is captured.

amazon alexa devices
Don't want Alexa to hear everything you're saying? Turn off devices during this time (Photo: Amazon)

We also recommend that you unplug the power cord so that even when turned off, the minimum energy is not enough for conversations to be heard. Remember that any and all care is little!


It is also possible to withdraw permission from the Crab listen to everything you say throughout your day, even when your iPhone is in your pocket. To do this, just access the Settings your device and then click on the “Siri” option. Now it's time to disable the option that allows the activation of the personal assistant through "Hey Siri".

hey crab
“Hey Siri” command can also be disabled (Photo: Apple)

Another action is to disable Allow Siri when the phone is locked, when activating the assistant through a button. That way, even if the cell phone tries to hear what you are saying, it will be blocked.

Google Assistant

As a support for all people using Android, the Google Assistant can also have its permissions revoked through your phone's privacy settings. Just access the menu and then search for the Google application in the section of apps that allow a cell phone to listen in on conversation.

VPN to keep privacy safe

Although many people think that this can be a gateway for hackers to gain access to our data, the VPNs (Virtual Private Network or virtual private networks) can be an interesting option for those who want to stop being tracked by their smartphones and other personal assistants.

Keyboard with security key
A virtual private network could be the solution so that your browsing is not tracked. (Photo: FreePik)

In practice, these servers are able to “mask” your IP and encrypt your traffic so that companies and other browsers do not use the data to display ads. There are many companies that do this professionally in the technology market and it is worth checking out the options to have a smoother navigation.

Have you found out if your cell phone hears conversation? And your personal assistants? Share your opinion with us Comment!

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  1. This has already been obvious to notice for some time, you have conversations near the cell phone on stand by that you never had through it in any application and yet from one hour to the next, countless advertisements start to appear on the subject. Our cell phones are listening to us all the time and recording the most, understanding everything we say.

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