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TUTORIAL: how to uninstall programs and apps from Windows 10

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In this tutorial you will learn how to uninstall unnecessary programs and apps in Windows 10 to free up space on your hard drive

Are you having problems with any SCHEDULE ou app and need to free up some space on the Windows 10? In this tutorial, we are going to teach you some ways to uninstall programs and apps from your computer.

The first steps of this tutorial work well for both apps from Windows Store as for individually installed programs, those that we download through browsers and have their own installer. The big difference between them is where the Windows 10 stores them and the way they are distributed on your hard drive.

Os program that we install outside the store go to the well-known program files folder of the Windows 10, and individually distribute the files necessary for its operation there. already the Apps from the store go to an internal folder of the system, and are allocated in a compressed way, as if they were a .zip file.

Uninstall by settings

Step 1: Open the start menu and click Settings – represented by the gear icon;

Uninstalling programs in windows 10
It's the second icon from the bottom up

Step 2: Select Apps;

The placement of this option may change depending on the screen resolution
The placement of this option may change depending on the screen resolution

Step 3: Here you have 2 ways to find the Apps ou Programs you want to uninstall; you can search for it by name using the search bar, or classify the list the way you see fit, how to organize by size, which is quite feasible if you want to release space on disk;

If you have more than one hard drive, you can select the drive you want to uninstall the app.
If you have more than one hard drive, you can select the drive you want to uninstall the App

Step 4: Select the App/Program that you want to uninstall, and click uninstall;

Step 5: You will be asked if you really want to uninstall, confirm by clicking on uninstall in the Popup;

After clicking on uninstall, the program will begin its uninstall process.
After clicking on uninstall, the program will start its uninstall process

Remembering that if it is a program outside the Windows Store, new options may appear on screen after clicking uninstall. Some programs open a new window giving the option to repair ou uninstall.

Uninstall using Cortana

Another way to get to the apps screen is by using the search from Cortana. You can do this using the search bar next to the start menu or using the assistant's voice command.

Step 1: type it "To remove" in the search bar Cortana or activate voice command and speak "To remove";

Step 2: Please click Add or remove programs;

The fastest way to get to the applications menu in windows 10 is through Cortana
The fastest way to get to the apps menu in Windows 10 is through Cortana

Step 3: Here you have 2 ways to find the App ou Programme you want to uninstall: you can search for it by name using the search bar, or classify the list the way you see fit, how to organize by size, which is quite feasible if you want to release space on disk;

Tutorial: how to uninstall programs and apps from windows 10. In this tutorial you will learn how to uninstall unnecessary programs and apps in windows 10 to free up space on your hard drive
If you have more than one hard drive, you can select the drive you want to uninstall the App.

Step 4: Select the App/Program that you want to uninstall, and click uninstall;

Step 5: You will be asked if you really want to uninstall, confirm by clicking on uninstall in the popup;

After clicking on uninstall, the program will begin its uninstall process.
After clicking on uninstall, the program will start its uninstall process

Remembering that if it is a program outside the Windows Store, new options may appear on screen after clicking uninstall. Some programs open a new window giving the option to repair ou uninstall.

From the Windows 10 Control Panel

This option is only for uninstalling programs installed outside the Windows Store. If you want to uninstall Windows Apps, you need to follow the previous options.

Step 1: Open Start menu;

Step 2: Please click Windows System and after that Control panel;

Cortana can also be used to get here!
You can also search the Control Panel from the Cortana bar

Step 3: Please click Programs;

Traditional control panel screen!
Here we enter the traditional Control Panel screen

Step 4: Please click Uninstall a Program;

Old programs interface and features
We continue with the familiar interface that comes from Windows 7 with few changes

Step 5: Select the program you want to uninstall;

Step 6: Please click uninstall;

Just select and click uninstall!
Remembering that because they are programs from outside the Windows Store, additional windows may appear

These are the possibilities for uninstall um SCHEDULE or a app in Windows 10. There are also some third-party software that do this service, such as Revo Uninstaller or the Iobit Uninstaller Free, but the most recommended thing is to uninstall it using Windows' own means.

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