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During a closed event for journalists, the IBM talked about the importance of generative artificial intelligences (also called GenAI) and how it has helped companies in different markets. Specifically, the WatsonX was used in several successful cases, including by Bradesco, to develop the BIA personal assistant. See all the details right now.
IBM has been helping companies enter the world of AI
Companies that were previously asked for hardware help are now being hired to also apply artificial intelligence in various processes. In case you didn't already know, a generative AI can be used in several situations, such as performing an introduction and even complete calls without the need for a human operator.
The potential of generative AIs is enormous to transform companies and businesses, but it also brings challenges.
Marcelo Braga, President and Technology Leader at IBM Brazil
One of the most successful examples is the BIA, personal assistant for clients of Bradesco. It is based on the platform WatsonX and previously it was just a simple chatbot. Today, as IBM makes improvements, the BIA is getting smarter, helping the user confirm bank information and even make a Pix at his request. One of the most significant changes is that it is possible to speak with the BIA via voice or via text.
Security is also an important point of the application: in partnership with Bradesco, IBM is able to identify the user's usage pattern and, in possible fraud and suspicious situations, avoids problems that may not be resolved so soon.
What can WatsonX do?
More than helping companies to implement artificial intelligence in their routine, the platform can analyze data for decision making and also show data transparently so that management is done completely and without errors. They are divided into two parts: e WatsonX.governance. See details about each of them right now.
Aimed at companies that have a lot of data to be structured, IBM offers the to optimize workloads with fit-for-purpose query engines.
The company claims that it will be possible to reduce analysis costs through computing and also perform economical storage that decreases the time for everything to be ready for decision making. The use of generative AI is also here: through company data, it is possible for data to be displayed in a simplified way. Artificial intelligence is also able to explore, augment and enrich data in a natural and easily understandable way. helps with sharing: you can push the data to dashboards like Parquet, Avro and Apache ORC so that, when needed, everything is available in a single copy for use in multiple query engines. Finally, the variation of IBM's AI platform has an integrated console that allows easy visualization of data.
The governance-focused variant also uses AI to generate a better everyday life. But, in this case, the company provides a tool so that the use of artificial intelligence is as good as possible. You must be wondering how this is done. The company explains that it performs automation, manages to perform consolidation of various tools and also documents the origin of datasets, models, associated metadata and pipelines.
O WatsonX.governance it also manages to detect possible problems of the language model so that a need for retraining. Auditing has not been forgotten: IBM ensures that safeguards and validation are used to enable fair and transparent models. Laws will be taken into account so that when inspections are carried out, everything is in compliance.
The main focus of this variant is on optimizing profitability through AI: the company showed at its event that it can implement fair and transparent approval processes, free of bias. It will also be possible to provide automated documented model facts to support managers' credit decisions.
Managers face challenges related to data management in companiesas
The event ended with the dissemination of research data IBM Institute for Business Value,'CEO decision making in the age of AI, Act with intention'. In general, it shows how managers of today's companies are taking care of data management in the midst of artificial intelligence innovations.
It was possible to know that Brazilian CEOs face challenges related to the management of their companies' data, including unclear calculations (44%) and the difficulty of identifying significant insights from this data (41%) – both results above the global average. In addition, 71% of respondents in the country believe that eliminating the distance between data and decision makers is more important than changing where decisions take place.
All interviewed by IBM also confirm that the importance of data is the most relevant item in the standardization of processes, with the response of 44% of Brazilian CEOs. Fostering a data-driven culture or data driven (40%) and generation of improvements in data platforms (39%) were also mentioned by those who participated in the interview, with the Brazilian percentage considered above the global average.
The study also showed that 76% of Brazilian CEOs rely on internal operational data to make strategic decisions for companies. Artificial intelligence arrives to cause a real change in the day of Brazilian companies. This is because 60% of respondents consider cloud computing to be an important pillar for achieving high results in recent years. Furthermore, the use of AI within companies including Generative AIs is important to 56% of those surveyed.
Today, thinking about a journey of generative AI for business, it is worth saying that it is already possible to connect to data in minutes, obtain reliable insights quickly and still reduce storage costs. So we are seeing this ability to manage and extract meaningful insights from data become much more efficient.
Marco Kalil, leader of IBM Consulting in Brazil.
65% of CEOs also say they already have a clear plan to use advanced artificial intelligence in their companies in the next five years.
Business leaders around the world are riding the generative AI wave, and Latin America is no exception. That's why modernizing technology remains a top priority for CEOs across the region, as half of them are banking on AI as a key enabler to deliver results. However, organizations still face significant hurdles when it comes to implementing AI, and we are seeing CEOs increasingly rely on their technology leaders as strategic decision makers.
Marco Kalil, leader of IBM Consulting in Brazil.
See other details of the study:
- More than half of Brazilian CEOs (53%) identify technological modernization as their top business priority, followed by cybersecurity and data privacy (49%) and productivity (44%);
- When asked which C-level executives will make the most crucial decisions over the next three years, Brazilian CEOs put COOs (63%) and CFOs (49%) at the top of the list;
- Environmental sustainability (43%), cybersecurity and data privacy (33%) and technological modernization (28%) are identified as the biggest challenges for Brazilian companies in the next three years.
- Technology leaders' influence on decision-making is growing: 34% of Brazilian CEOs point to CIOs (up from 19% a year ago) and 27% point to chief technology officers or chief digital officers as those making the most important decisions in their organizations.
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