Janja and squid

Lula and Janja criticize the invasion of the first lady's profile on X

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After the profile was hacked, Janja complained about the difficulty in recovering the account and threatened to sue Elon Musk's social network. Understand.

In a statement during the program Conversation with the President, First Lady Rosângela da Silva — better known as Janja — announced its intention to sue the platform X (formerly Twitter) after having his account hacked last week. During the live broadcast this Tuesday, 19th, Janja, alongside President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, emphasized the need to hold social networks responsible and regulated on an international scale, citing the invasion of the First Lady's profile on the social network .

President Lula's wife expressed her frustration mainly with the network's delay in freezing her account after the hacker attack, mentioning the difficulty of taking this measure with the X.

“It was so difficult for Twitter to take down, freeze my account. Was it 1:30 am?”  

First Lady Janja

Still on the topic, Janja criticized the platform owner X, Elon Musk, and addressed the issue of monetization of social networks. She pointed out that Musk benefited financially from the attack on his account and highlighted the importance of discussing not only regulation, but also the way platforms profit, regardless of the positive or negative nature of their content.

“Elon Musk became a much more millionaire with that attack. That's the question. We not only need to regularize the networks, but we need to discuss the monetization of the networks. Because today, it doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, them making money is fine.”

First Lady Janja

Explaining the invasion First Lady's profile

Invasion of the First Lady's profile
Hacker wants to invade the first lady's account on X and made 44 posts in the name of President Lula's wife. Photo: Reproduction / X.

Janla Lula da Silva's hacked profile on X was blocked after being the target of an attack on Monday night last week (11). The invasion of the First Lady's profile occurred around 21:30 pm, and the hacker made offensive publications aimed at her, President Lula and Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court. Janja's profile on X has more than 1 million followers, and, at around 22:45 pm, the profile was still active, but all publications had been removed.

A Federal police began an investigation the same night as the hacking of the first lady's profile on X, while the Attorney General of the Union (AGU) extrajudicially notified Elon Musk's company, requesting the freezing of the @JanjaLula account until investigations are completed.

The AGU also requested the preservation of records related to the first lady's profile. The letter sent to the platform warned of possible legal measures if the requests were not met.

The day after the invasion, the Federal Police executed four search and seizure warrants in Minas Gerais, with João Vitor Ferreira, aged 25, being the main target of the operation. On the same day, a post on his TikTok profile announced his arrest. The content of his publications included songs created by the hacker himself with misogynistic, racist content and in support of Nazism. Vitor Ferreira had 4.400 followers on TikTok, accumulating just over 15.000 likes.

Invasion of the First Lady's profile
STF Minister, Alexandre de Moraes was also the target of insults during the attack. Photo: Reproduction / X.

Until the morning after the hacker attack (12), the first lady's account on the social network remained without publications. During the attack, the hacker published 44 posts, reaching an audience of 1,2 million Janja followers. In one of them, she released an audio minimizing the PF investigation and criticizing the country's judicial system. In one of the posts, the attacker mentioned that most intrusions occur through leaked passwords, highlighting the ease of this method.

The hacker also asked followers to follow another account supposedly linked to him, @binuxy, which identified itself on the profile as “nationalist, monarchist and neo-fascist”. The account has been removed. The attack received comments from members of the government, such as the minister of the Presidency's Social Communication Secretariat, Paulo Pimenta, who classified the perpetrators as “criminal scoundrels” and warned that those who share hatred will also be identified.

Lula and Janja criticize and talk about regularizing social networks

Invasion of the First Lady's profile
Lula and Janja align their speech with criticism of social media. Photo: Evaristo Sá/ AFP

Alongside President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, during the live broadcast of Conversation with the President this Tuesday, Janja said he intends to sue the platform X for the attack:

“I don't even know where to sue, if I sue in Brazil, if I sue in the United States, because I'm going to sue them, somehow. We have research, there are many public figures whose accounts have been hacked, like the Prime Minister of Australia, so we have to somehow hold these platforms accountable and regulate them. The problem is not just in Brazil, it is global.”

First Lady Janja

In the same live, Lula emphasized the importance of regulating social networks, recognizing, however, the challenge of doing so without censorship. He defended the need for comprehensive regulation, not just for one country, but for the world, citing the European Union as an example.

“We have to carry out serious regularization. Not just regularization for a country, but for the world. The European Union is already carrying out regularization, but everyone needs to be careful with this.”

President Lula

The president expressed his outrage at the attacks aimed at the first lady on social media, highlighting his irritation with people who attack her online. He lamented the lack of respect, pointing out that he has never spoken derogatorily about other politicians' wives and criticized those who do so.

“Sometimes I get really pissed off, I'm really saying the word pissed off, I get pissed off with people who attack her on the internet. I'm mad because I've never talked about the wife of a president, deputy or councilor. I think the person who does this is a scoundrel. I’m mad for her.”

President Lula

The attack on the first lady's account reignited the debate surrounding the Fake News Bill in Congress. Parliamentarians expressed their desire to include the project on the agenda, but the text has been on hold since May this year, when Arthur Lira (PP-AL) removed it from the Chamber's voting forecast. After Janja's demonstration, members of the opposition reacted with criticism and irony. Federal deputy Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) shared an excerpt from Janja's video on his X, mentioning Elon Musk and suggesting that if he “is richer today, it’s thanks to this woman”.

See also other features

Sources: Folha de São Paulo, Terra

reviewed by Glaucon Vital in 19 / 12 / 23.

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