Qualcomm presents Brazil's first 5G-connected robot dog. Spot will be used for inspection of industrial environments and manipulation of equipment with a robotic arm. See what's new from qualcomm's annual event!

Qualcomm presents Brazil's first 5G-connected robot dog

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Spot will be used for inspection of industrial environments and manipulation of equipment with a robotic arm. See what's new from Qualcomm's annual event!

During the Digital Transformation Summit Brazil 2023, Qualcomm showed the Spot, a robot dog connected to 5G that is ready to be a true assistant in people's daily lives. The main focus of the event held in the city of São Paulo was to show that 5G is ready to increase the productivity of several people, now that it is more widely implemented. Check out all the news.

Spot was introduced by Qualcomm for the first time

Developed by Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI), Spot is a robot dog manufactured by Boston Dynamics that arrives to change our daily lives. Completely autonomous and wireless, the device can walk quietly, climb slopes and even dance. The companies involved hope that he will be able to inspect industrial environments and, eventually, handle equipment with a robotic arm.

Boston dynamics spot robot dog at qualcomm event
Sympathetic robot can have several uses (Photo: Reproduction / Boston Dynamics)

It is important to remember that the robot dog is the first to be presented in Brazil that can connect to 5G networks, allowing for interesting autonomy due to the high speed of connections. O Spot it has 360° awareness and athletic intelligence to automate inspections, data capture and exploration, including in hazardous areas, bringing more security to operations. 

Boston dynamics spot robot dog at qualcomm event
Spot even danced for guests at the Qualcomm event (Photo: Victor Pacheco/Showmetech)

There is still no information on the price or ways of using the robot dog in our routine, but it exists and is ready to be a true partner for anyone who needs a personal assistant.

Best use of 5G

During a round table for journalists, Luiz Tonisi, President of Qualcomm for Latin America, he mentioned that we are currently in the process of generating benefits from 5G networks. For this to work, the Itaipu Technological Park will be used for the development of robotics technologies with 5G.

Qualcomm presents Brazil's first 5G-connected robot dog. Spot will be used for inspection of industrial environments and manipulation of equipment with a robotic arm. See what's new from qualcomm's annual event!
Luiz Tonisi, President of Qualcomm for Latin America (Photo: Disclosure)

The executives of Itaipu were also at the event to confirm that, as of August 24, 2023, a network with Qualcomm modems, throughout the Itaipu Technological Park for mass testing.

Another detail is the launch of a fixed wireless access (FWA) project for needy communities throughout Brazil. At this first moment, 4 Brazilian communities will be selected to receive the modem that can send a 5G network signal through a router that receives a signal from fast connections and sends it to other devices.

Qualcomm presents Brazil's first 5G-connected robot dog. Spot will be used for inspection of industrial environments and manipulation of equipment with a robotic arm. See what's new from qualcomm's annual event!
Itaipu Technological Park will be used for the development of 5G technologies (Photo: Disclosure)

A Clear, one of the operators that invest the most in the use of new 5G networks, launched a 200 GB to 400 GB plan, aimed at residential applications. The routers for this plan were developed by intelbras and the platforms Qualcomm 5G Fixed Wireless Access Gen 2 powered by Snapdragon X62 5G Modem-RF System e Qualcomm Immersive Home 214 were used to make this work. Together, they capture the 5G signal and provide a wireless connection to all devices within the customer's home.

The plans are already available for the acquisition of mobile customers and also by small and medium-sized companies – initially, the product is available in São Paulo, Campinas, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Brasília, with gradual expansion to other regions.

AISI XNUMX Qualcomm Awardse

Also announced during the Digital Transformation Summit Brazil 2023, this platform is focused on the main service groups and specialized logistics for the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare in Brazil. In a simplified way, a tracker will be placed in transport vehicles that not only allows everyone to know the order is in real time, but also to have access to monitoring data of transport conditions, including temperature.

Qualcomm presents Brazil's first 5G-connected robot dog. Spot will be used for inspection of industrial environments and manipulation of equipment with a robotic arm. See what's new from qualcomm's annual event!
Qualcomm Aware platform arrives in Brazil by the end of 2023 (Photo: Disclosure)

A Qualcomm also mentioned that the platform Aware can be used to find out if there has been a car accident. Data exchange takes place via 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks. At this first moment, it will be tested in the transport of highly complex medicines and biological products from DRS Group, the first in Latin America to take the test.

Qualcomm presents Brazil's first 5G-connected robot dog. Spot will be used for inspection of industrial environments and manipulation of equipment with a robotic arm. See what's new from qualcomm's annual event!
Novelty is used in several networks (Photo: Disclosure)

Once connected to the internet, the tracker sends updated data to the platform. It is a similar technology to RFID, already used by the Brazilian Post Office.

smart public transport

Focused on the development of technologies for passenger transport, Qualcomm joined forces with Maxtrack in an unprecedented collaboration. São Paulo city bus fleets will benefit from the results of this partnership, which should be focused on monitoring transport to Brazil and Latin America, using artificial intelligence technologies and 5G connectivity.

Man using cell phone inside public transport
Buses will be connected to send information directly (Photo: Victor Pacheco/Showmetech)

the new processor QCM/QCS6490 It features an AI-accelerated architecture, powerful connections, compute performance, and is specifically designed for industrial and commercial IoT applications. To carry out fleet monitoring, which may also allow autonomous buses to be developed in the future, the first stage of testing and validation is under development. The first results are expected to be released by the end of 2023.

Smart light fixtures in Copacabana  

A juganu completed the installation of four light fixtures on the Copacabana waterfront, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The equipment can connect to Wi-Fi networks, 4G networks and, in addition to illuminating the place, has edge processing technologies with cameras and Qualcomm Wi-Fi and should bring more efficiency and safety to residents and tourists who pass through the location, in addition to making 5G technology available in the area.

juganu smart light fixtures
Intelligent lighting fixtures by Juganu were first installed in Copacabana (Photo: Victor Pacheco/Showmetech)

It is expected that, with due tests, more Brazilian cities will receive smart light fixtures according to assertiveness. It is worth remembering that despite the juganu having carried out the work in Rio de Janeiro, other companies can assume the demand in other states.

First mini PC for the Brazilian market

powered by processor Snapdragon 7c+ generation 3 with 5G implemented, the first mini PC from Qualcomm is ready to be released. The company claims that for corporate environments, digital signage and IoT, with an ultra-compact format. According to information from the manufacturer participating in the project, developed in Brazil, it is ready and there is an opening for a white label for local marketing and manufacturing.

qualcomm mini pc
Qualcomm's Mini PC is ready to hit the market (Photo: Victor Pacheco/Showmetech)

There is still no exact arrival date for the model in Brazil, as it still needs a company to carry out the distribution. We will update the story with the information when it is released.

qualcomm mini pc
Model needs a Brazilian distributor and manufacturer (Photo: Victor Pacheco/Showmetech)

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