Launched in January 2024, the Soundmap is an application that has everything to be your new addiction. Inspired directly by the Niantic Studios game, but still in its infancy in its features, the new feature has been widely commented on social media. Understand how to play and have a successful profile on the music collecting app.
What is Soundmap
Developed by Intonation Studios Inc., Soundmap is an application that allows you to collect music wherever you go. Using your GPS location smartphone ou tablets, it is possible to find drops, which are like treasure boxes of songs of different genres and rarities.
The idea has been successful on the internet and the Discord server of players already has more than 67 thousand people, with more than ten thousand of them online daily. In addition to allowing you to search for your favorite songs wherever you go, the application has a global network that connects all players to make exchanges quickly and simply.
Unfortunately, the application is only available in English, but we explain all the terms to be successful with your collection.
How to register
The step-by-step process for creating your account takes less than five minutes. See the screenshots below.
Step 1: Install the application on your smartphone or tablet, via App Store ou Google Play Store.
Step 2: The application requires you to log in with the account Apple ou Google logged in from the cell phone you are using. To do this, simply log in by clicking on the green button, written “Sign in with Apple” on iOS or “Sign in with Google” on Android
Step 3: Then choose a username from your account and click “Continues".
Step 4: On the next screen, you will need to authorize the application to have access to your location. We recommend that you select the option “Allow While Using App" and then “Change to Always Allow".
On Android, you will just need to click “Allow While Using App”.
Step 5: Finally, just start hunting for your music and getting to know the app. An offer to opt-in Premium Soundmap will be displayed, but just click on the “X“, located in the upper right corner, as shown in the image below:
Understanding the application
As it is an application that began to be successful during the second half of 2024, there are several options that you need to understand before starting to play. We detail each one below, check it out:
Customizing your profile
By clicking on the photo icon, you can change it to a photo you want. There are options to remove the current photo, open the camera to take a new photo or choose an image from your smartphone's gallery.
When you are able to invite two friends through your invite link, you can place a background photo on your profile. To do this, simply click on the pen icon, select the option “background" and choose a photo from your gallery, in the same way as selecting a new profile photo.
When you win a lot of songs from a certain artist, all users win selos which can also be added to the profile. The amount for each singer or band varies depending on the size of the discography, but to place them, simply click on the pen icon and select up to five artist stamps.
When you have more than five badges, you can also choose which ones to display on your profile.
By clicking on the three lists icon in the “Artist Badges”, just rearrange the order. See the second photo with the final result:
With your profile configured, let's understand all the terms of the music collecting app.
Getting songs
Once your profile is set up, you can start collecting music. The process is very easy: as soon as you open the map, you will see a series of drops that you can click to open, using the “Open Drop“. The color of the drops varies depending on the app's genres, and the type of rarity is informed before you even open them.
To have the song added to your library, simply click on “Add To Your Collection!”. See the example:
Just like Pokémon Go, it's worth opening the app everywhere you go to increase your collection. Developers reported that university centers and shopping malls are the places that have the most drops, but this varies greatly from country to country.
Rewards and battles
The game delivers a series of rewards to players who open the app every day. To access them, simply click on the store icon on the map. Then, simply redeem your freebies.
Battles can be a way to get coins. By clicking on the swords icon in the bottom right corner of the map, you can either vote or send songs from your library to the battle that will be decided by players from all over the world. Every vote gives 20 Coins and you can give 25 daily votes, accounting 500 Coins per day.
Genre categorization
The application uses the database of Spotify, which allows all genres available on the platform to also be on Soundmap. To help users know what to expect from a drop, the app's developers used colors to categorize genres. Are they:
- Dark blue:Pop;
- Orange: Hip hop;
- Yellow: K-pop;
- Verde:Indie;
- Light blue: R&B;
- Pink:Rock;
- Red: Electronics;
- Black: Metal.
As it is in its first steps, there are chances that some songs are categorized wrongly, for example, some of the Pabllo Vittar. But this should be fixed soon. Categorizing songs can help you find a song in your library or in the global exchange system. Soundmap.
Rarity categorization
Music cards have rarities, just like Pokémon do. This categorization is used in the exchange system and also in special missions to get songs from your favorite artists. Are they:
- Orange: Rare;
- Purple: Uncommon;
- Verde: Common (Common);
- Prata: Shiny;
- Rainbow: Epic.
An Epic song is a song card that is more difficult to get, like the legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go. The developers explained that there is an Epic card for every song and if you are the first to find it, you get a medal.
Within the music exchange system, cards with categorization Epic They have more value and you may need to pay more coins to get them. The rarity of songs can change as the days go by, so it's important to leave your songs saved for a few days before you start trading them.
Songs categorized as Shiny appear unscheduled in the application, so there is no specific way to obtain them, other than playing a lot wherever you go.
Song exchange system
One way to get music from your favorite artists is through the tab called “Trade”. There, you can either see the available options or search for specific songs (or artists). It is important to have a strategy to be successful in this.
Once you find a song you want to have in your library, just click on it and then select the option “Request to trade”.
Now it's time to make your offer. You need to select the song you will give in exchange for the one you just chose. Your library will be displayed shortly afterwards; just select the song you want to send to the user.
You can choose up to 8 songs at once and you can also supplement the offer with coins. When you have finalized your choices, simply select the option “Submit” and wait for the user to check the offer and accept it or not after clicking “Confirm”.
If the answer is no, you can try again, but remember to change the offer to get the music you want in your library. A notification about the response will be sent by the app, so just wait.
Since profiles are public, your library can be accessed by everyone who plays Soundmap. This means you will also receive exchange offers and a notification will be sent as soon as someone requests an exchange.
If you don’t like the offer, just click “Decline”. To accept, simply click “Accept”. You can also react to the offer and even send a message so that the person can make a new proposal and both of you can be successful in the application.
Adding your favorite artists
One way to help people who ask for music in your library is to save your favorite artists to your Soundmap profile. This also helps to get more possible drops of songs you like. Let's go step by step:
Step 1: In your profile, select the option “Favorite Artists”. Here:
Step 2: Now, just search for the cantor, band ou group who is a fan. Then click on the “+” for the artist to be saved to your profile. That simple!
When you finish doing all the categorization, you can see the list of Favourite artists on your profile. Once you register your favorite artists, you unlock special missions to get music from them. This brings us to the next section of this text.
special missions
The special missions of Soundmap help you get music from your favorite artists, but it's important to follow what the app asks you to do to be successful. They vary a lot, but this can also be a way to get rid of songs you don't like so much. Examples of missions are:
- Sending songs of a specific genre;
- Sending songs that start with a specific lyric;
- Sending songs with a specific rarity;
- Sending songs by an artist whose name begins with a specific letter;
- Sending songs of a rarity, genre and that begin with a specific lyric;
- A specific number of exchanges;
- Swaps made with usernames that start with a specific letter.
Attention: All songs sent to missions are permanently removed from your library, so be careful not to lose songs that took time (and coins) to obtain. The best way to succeed in the missions is to play with your friends to get the songs requested by the game, but you can also use the exchange system for this.
If you find the mission too difficult, you can request that it be changed by clicking the “Re-Roll”. But remember that it can only be done 3 times a day.
Leagues are the award system for experience points achieved over a period of one week. The countdown starts (and ends) every Sunday and, to be successful, it's important to open a lot of drops, get songs from your favorite artists and also make a lot of exchanges.
When the count is finished, everyone in the top 3 earn coins and all top 10 of the league advances to the next category. Are they: Bronze, Silver and Gold.
As playlists They are a way to organize your library. You can add songs from a specific artist, album or genre, in addition to creating a playlist with only songs available for exchange. To do this, follow the step by step below:
Step 1: On your profile, scroll down to the “Collection" and click on “See all”.
Step 2: Now, just click on the green button, named “Add playlist”, located in the upper right corner. Then click “Create a new playlist".
Step 3: Give your playlist a name and then click “Create".
Then, just add the songs you want to the playlist.
Step 4: To change the default cover, click on the musical key icon and select a photo of your choice from the phone's gallery.
Adding your friends
The game is cooler when you have friends playing, so you can make trades to complete missions. And since all users are connected by a global system, adding your friends is a breeze. Learn it:
Step 1: In the “Trade", click the search magnifying glass.
Step 2: Then select the filter Users and enter your friend's username.
Step 3: When you find the profile, select the green button “Add friend”.
Once the person accepts your friend request, a notification will also be sent by the music collecting app. Next, it's time to start swapping songs with your friends.
Premium Soundmap
The developers recommend that you opt for the version premium of the application if you have plans to use it in the long term. The big problem is that this is quite expensive: you have to pay R$ 99,90 No. iPhone e R$ 112,90 No. Android to access resources.
Compared to the free version, those who have the premium Soundmap have a larger capture field, the chances of getting songs from their favorite artists in drops are 10x bigger and you win 30% more experience points (XP) than free version players. One way to get the premium version of the app is by sending people to play Soundmap. See how to do this below:
Step 1: Access your profile and click on the section with the lock emoji.
Step 2: You will need to give access to your contact list. Then search for the person's contact information. Now, when you find her name, click on “Invite".
Step 4: Your smartphone's SMS app will open so you can send the invitation link. You can send this right there, via SMS, or copy the link to send to the person via WhatsApp or any other social network.
When someone goes to the app store, installs the app, and creates an account, you'll receive a notification and coins for inviting them to the game.
Attention: to get the premium, you need to invite eight people protocols for Soundmap. But sending the same link to people won't work: you need to generate a different link for each person so the developers can track it and release the premium version to your account.
And even if you've already unlocked the premium version, it's worth continuing to invite people with your link to earn more coins.
So, what did you think of the app? Tell us in the comments if you have any more questions about how to have fun! And be sure to follow our website to stay up to date with more tips like this and all the latest news from the world of technology.
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reviewed by Gabriel Princessval in 02 / 08 / 2024
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