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Norwegian startup trains AI to predict natural disasters
7Analytics is testing technology that can predict floods and landslides to help companies and governments reduce damage
Why did it rain so much in Rio Grande do Sul?
Understand how Brazil's biggest climate catastrophe was formed
In a dramatic report, a woman describes in X what happened during the flood in Rio Grande do Sul
Point-by-point narrative told by flood victim already exceeds 7 million views on social media
Vivo, TIM and Claro release free internet in Rio Grande do Sul
Telephone operators provide free internet for the population affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, see how to use it
Dubai is flooded after heavy rain and chaos engulfs the city
Atypical 6-hour storm had precipitation equivalent to half of the forecast for the year, causing flooding and disruption impacting flights and events in the city
See the hottest places in the world
Discover destinations with temperatures so extreme that they challenge human resistance and surprise with the intensity of the heat
How extreme heat affects your body (and how to protect yourself)
Extreme heat impairs bodily function and can even be fatal. See the effects caused and how to protect yourself in these situations
Brazil is preparing for the biggest heat wave in history, with temperatures above 45°C
Extreme heat wave in November will last for a long time and could break historical records for high temperatures in the country
Alert! Extreme heat wave hits Brazil this week
Extreme temperatures, above 40°C, are expected to hit mainly the Brazilian Center-West. Authorities warn of risk to life. Understand the phenomenon