Extreme heat wave hits Brazil and promises to break records | trio

Extreme heat wave hits Brazil and promises to break records | TRIO

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Summer heat in winter, modular laptop created by a modder and global update for the iPhone 12. This is your Showmetech TRIO!

Showmetech TRIO is a compilation of the most interesting news of the week. Today, we will talk about the mass of extreme heat that promises to leave much of the country with high temperatures throughout the week. We will also tell the story of a modder which used the motherboard of a Framework laptop to create a Fully Modular Gaming Laptop PC. And, finally, we will also talk about the controversy surrounding the iPhone 12, which will receive a new global update to correct the problem of high radiation levels identified by French authorities. This is the Showmetech TRIO, your weekly news trio.

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High temperatures in Brazil

Extreme heat wave hits Brazil and promises to break records | trio
Extreme air mass will reach most Brazilian states, including São Paulo, Federal District, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia (Reproduction/Internet)

Brazil is preparing to face a week of summer in the middle of winter/spring. This is because an extremely hot air mass will cover a large part of the country between this and next week, with the potential to break heat records in September. High temperatures are expected in all five regions of the country, but the most affected states are expected to be Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Distrito Federal, Rondônia, Amazonas, Pará, Tocantins, Bahia, Piauí and Maranhão.

Much of this change comes from global warming, which has been causing climate changes across the planet, and also from the El Niño phenomenon, which once again affects Brazil and other countries. This extreme heat occurs due to a heat bubble, also called a dome or heat dome, which occurs when an area of ​​high pressure remains over the same place for a prolonged period, trapping very hot air underneath, just like a lid on a A pan.

With this heat wave, some historical temperature records in Brazil may fall, as in the state of São Paulo. For comparison, the hottest day ever recorded in the city of São Paulo was 37,1ºC, on September 30, 2020. Furthermore, these meteorological conditions can hinder the dispersion of pollutants and favor forest fires, affecting air quality, especially in urban areas.

Due to the high temperatures, experts recommend some habits to reduce the effects on the body. These include taking care of hydration, consuming water regularly throughout the day; selecting appropriate clothing, with light clothing that facilitates perspiration; transferring physical activities to cooler times; and greater attention to food, as heat makes food spoil more easily.

Modder creates portable gaming PC

Extreme heat wave hits Brazil and promises to break records | trio. Summer heat in winter, modular laptop created by modder and global update for iPhone 12. That's your showmetech trio!
Device created by modder is highly modular and can be updated with other parts over time (Pitstoptech)

Are you a fan of workarounds that work? And how about this one? A modder used a Framework laptop motherboard to create a modular portable gaming PC that is very easy to upgrade. According to a video published on YouTube, the device, above all, is completely modular. This means you can update it with new parts over time. It is possible to change almost everything, such as the battery, motherboard, RAM memory and internal storage.

The prototype created by modder It uses a Framework motherboard with an Intel Core i7-1260P processor and Intel Iris Xe graphics card, combined with 16 GB of RAM, a 512 GB SSD, 55Wh battery, as well as a 7-inch touch screen. Thinking about connection, the device also supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology.

The device's controllers even use Bluetooth and can be removed for a hybrid console experience similar to the Switch. In fact, you could install a Switch emulator on this device and play a version of the new Zelda on it, for example.

Framework offers a variety of motherboards, with prices ranging from $450 to $1.050. The device's creator claims the portable device can be upgraded to an AMD Ryzen 7840U with a 61Wh battery for maximum performance and intends to start selling kits Do It Yourself to allow anyone to make their own at home.

Apple releases update for iPhone 12

Extreme heat wave hits Brazil and promises to break records | trio. Summer heat in winter, modular laptop created by modder and global update for iPhone 12. That's your showmetech trio!
Update on the iPhone 12 arrives after the device fails radiation tests carried out by French authorities (Reproduction/Internet)

Apple plans to soon launch an update on the iPhone 12 after France ordered the product to be removed from the market due to the device's high levels of magnetic wave emission. The new thing is that the update will be made available to users all over the world, and no longer just in France, as initially planned.

On September 12, the French supervisory agency, known as ANFR (National Frequency Agency in free translation), issued a temporary order to withdraw the product from the French market. According to ANFR, tests were carried out on 141 iPhones 12, revealing a emission of 5,74 W/kg (watts per kilogram) of electromagnetic waves, exceeding the maximum limit of 4 W/kg established by the European Union.

Therefore, according to the French authority, the emission found exceeds by 1,74 watts per kilogram (W/kg) the regulatory value corresponding to the amount of energy that the human body can absorb when holding the phone.

Concerns about the iPhone 12's radiation levels and sales ban in France emerged on the same day that Apple announced its new iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro handsets, which are scheduled to launch on September 22.

And you, what did you think of the news of the week? Tell us here Comment!

See also:

Check out our latest edition of Showmetech TRIO! As usual we talk about various subjects related to games, technology and pop culture. Just take a look at what we brought:

  • Disaster at Burning Man;
  • Starfield and the man who saved his family from a fire;
  • News at IFA 2023.

Sources: STATE, PC Mag, The Verge.

reviewed by Glaucon Vital in 18 / 9 / 23.

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