NASA to launch space station to water tomb in 2030

NASA will launch Space Station to water tomb in 2030

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NASA intends to retire the International Space Station, providing space for commercial private sector operations

A International Space Station, also known by its acronym in English, ISS (International Space Station), will be sent to an aquatic tomb, located in the Pacific Ocean, in 2030. The plan is due to the fact that the private sector already has its own resources to finance commercial destinations in low Earth orbit. The ISS has housed over 200 astronauts representing around 19 different countries.

Having opened in 2000, the International Special Station It currently orbits the Earth at about 420 kilometers from the planet, and has housed more than 200 astronauts representing about 19 different countries. Now, there will be space platforms that will be operated commercially, in order to replace the use of the ISS, offering greater possibilities for research and scientific collaboration.

Official announcement via Twitter

The private sector is technically and financially capable of developing and operating commercial low-Earth orbit destinations, with assistance from NASA. We look forward to sharing our lessons learned and experience from operations with the private sector to help them develop safe, reliable and cost-effective destinations in space.

Phil McAlister, director of commercial space at NASA Headquarters in a press release about the new decision

Also known as South Pacific Oceanic Uninhabited Area ou Nemo point, the water tomb already holds more than 250 pieces of space debris that have been deposited at the site since 1971. Several countries already use this water tomb for this practice, such as Japan, United States, Russia and some other European countries. This area is located between the east coast of New Zealand and northern Antarctica. According to a report on the decision, there is a safe atmospheric entrance to the ISS.

NASA to launch space station to water tomb in 2030
Location of Point Nemo, the watery grave of space stations and other such waste. Reproduction: boatsnews

While the ISS is not retired and sent to Ponto Nemo, it will continue to operate, including having its next eight years of work used for studies due to possible missions to the Mars.

The International Space Station is entering its third and most productive decade as an innovative science platform in microgravity.

This third decade is one of the results, building on our successful global partnership to verify human exploration and research technologies to support deep space exploration, continue the return of medical and environmental benefits to humanity, and blaze a trail in preparation. for a commercial future in low Earth orbit.

Robyn Gates, Director of the International Space Station at NASA Headquarters on the International Space Station

A International Space Station it is home to several scientific curiosities, such as the fact that the first 3D printed item on it was in 2014; the first DNA sequenced on the ISS was performed by the astronaut kate rubins, in 2016; and the Station was also the place where we witnessed the fifth state of matter, known as “Bose-Einstein condensate“, which was produced in 2018 by the Cold Atom Lab.

See also:

Meet the new control tower of SpaceX.

Source: The Guardian.

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