helldivers 2

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

Avatar of Eduardo Rebouças
Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you'll be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!

Soldier, if you seek to survive on the battlefield of helldivers 2, before you start playing you will want to read this article! 

Welcome to the war!

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

helldivers 2 It's a chaotic game and prone to causing moments of panic, but with our tips, you'll have a good chance of coming out unscathed, as well as learning how to help your team finish the most difficult missions.

Without further ado, let’s get to the tips…

Projectiles are not your friends in Helldivers 2

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

Everything that comes towards you wants to kill you, so don't get in the line of fire of your fellow fighters and be very careful when aiming so as not to hit them. The same goes for battle strategies like bombing and automated weapons: they don't know enemy from friend!

Don't keep reloading your gun all the time

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

helldivers 2 forces you to use your weapons carefully. When loading a magazine that still has ammunition, you end up wasting that surplus. Remember to always reload when you're about to run out of ammo. Don't run out of bullets! You'll thank us later!

Hold the reload button to set your weapon

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!

This is a feature that the game doesn't tell you about: when you hold down the reload button (square on the PlayStation 5, or 'R' on the computer), you will see the options for your current weapon. In some cases, it is possible to regulate the rate at which the bullets are fired and also turn your flashlight on/off!

Don't carry heavy weapons alone, bring a friend

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

Most support weapons come with two parts when you summon them, the weapon itself and a backpack. Even though you can carry both alone, the loading time tends to be much longer when playing this way. The ideal is to have one of your colleagues carry your backpack and help you when it comes to refueling. Cooperation!

Find armor that suits your play style

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

Unlike other “games as a service”, there is no race for the highest number when it comes to armor. The only variation between them is in the three basic attributes, varying between lighter types, with greater stamina and less protection, medium types, which bring more balanced statistics, and heavy types, guaranteeing more protection, but less stamina recovery. There are also some bonuses with certain armor, like increased healing item capacity, so keep an eye out for that too!

Save the bombs and use them with your colleagues

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

A good team knows the right time to use their bombs together. Keep yours to use in a group, the damage is multiplied and by doing this you can cover possible gaps or protect the team from attacks by larger enemies!

Coordinate the strategies you will take into battle with your colleagues

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

Still talking about strategies, agree before entering the mission with your fighting partners which ones each one will be taking. Many of them pair perfectly with others and can be the difference in grip!

Know your enemies' weak point so you don't waste ammunition for nothing

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

The enemies that attack you from helldivers 2 They come in all shapes and sizes, and even a mere drone can kill you if you don't take due care when dispatching it. Know how to identify their weak points, such as the back of the carapace of the insects' heavy unit, or the tiny head of the Hulk robot. Abuse them and be a happy soldier!

Use weapon sights to increase accuracy

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

helldivers 2 It's a third-person shooter, but did you know you can aim more accurately by clicking the right analog stick? Try using this feature to increase the accuracy of your shots, soldier!

If you're going to aim, stay still

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

The more still you are, the more accurate your shot will be. That simple. If you don't want to be a fool in war, stop, aim and shoot! 

But don't keep aiming all the time either!

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

This may seem to go against what we just told you, but there are times when it is not necessary to aim, but rather to run away! Shoot without using aim to slow down enemies and have a chance of getting out!

When in doubt, jump!

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!

You are not called helldiver You're welcome. When in doubt, dive away from danger. This is useful when dodging direct attacks or even explosions. The closer to the ground you are, the less chance you have of dying from an attack. But don't sit around eating dust, get out as soon as possible!

As a last resort, firewood at them 

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

Amid the chaos of war, you will face moments when you will be out of ammunition and surrounded by danger. At these times, don't waste time praying, but go out and beat yourself up. This will give you a chance to peel off and live to tell the tale!

Use your capsule as a weapon

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

As an elite warrior from Super Earth, you are sent to war aboard a jet pod. Before landing, it is possible to maneuver it. If you find an enemy below, aim for it. The chances of ending the bastard are great!

Don't keep saving your grenades

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

As we have already taught in the game's tutorial, which is certainly infallible, it is worth emphasizing that your grenades are vital tools on the battlefield. If you find an enemy nest or factory, throw one of these beauties! Seen a locked container? Do the same. There might be something useful in there!

Take all the samples you can 

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

The samples you find during missions are vital when upgrading your ship in orbit, granting you invaluable advantages in war. Bring as many of them back from the war as possible. And if your colleagues die, don't forget to recover these relics. They are worth more than super gold!

Secondary objectives are also important

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

On your radar, primary missions are represented by orange icons, while secondary missions are blue. Don't leave them aside: not only will they give you more points at the end of the mission, but they can also give you advantages in the fight, such as the anti-aircraft batteries and the transmission tower.

The mission map is super useful

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!

The mission maps are not just there to decorate the screen. They show important information such as the advance of enemy troops and you can use them to indicate this to your colleagues. Use the directional buttons to move the cursor and click wherever your friends pay attention! 

Medals are not meant to be kept

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

That's exactly what you read, soldier. The more you fight, the more medals you will earn, but you shouldn't keep them in the back of your closet. Spend them to buy new equipment and improve your arsenal. There will always be a new medal waiting for you!

Snatch success from the jaws of failure

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

Although high command does not tolerate failure, it is possible to leave a mission even without fully completing it. When the clock resets, run to the extraction zone. In helldivers 2 a half-victory is worth more than a complete failure!

And don't fight alone!

The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 is one of the most fun cooperative games on the PlayStation 5 and, with our tips, you will be the best soldier Super Earth has ever seen!
The best tips for you to come out on top in Helldivers 2

helldivers 2 It's a cooperative game, and to cooperate, you'll need to play with other people. Even if you don't have someone to invite to the match, use and abuse the matchmaking functionality to find other soldiers ready to join you. It's more fun to die with others!  

With these tips, even you, the soldier, will have a better chance of returning home alive. Remember, Super Earth is counting on you to protect Freedom, Democracy warrior!



Sources: Gamesradar, Gamespot, IGN, The Gamer e YouTube.

Text proofread by: Pedro Bomfim

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